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P E R S O N A L   P R O J E C T S

Welcome to my gallery of personal projects. 

triptych messages panel 1.JPG
Untitled_Artwork (1).gif

Here, you'll find a range of my works -

from animation to mixed media, or collaborative projects made with others. 

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triptych messages panel 2.JPG

Each piece that was put here

represents important work that helped me through my creative journey.

triptych messages panel 3.JPG
Untitled_Artwork (1).gif

I hope that you will enjoy these pieces, which hold a special place in my life.

CP2 final.png

t h e r e ' ' ' s   a
r e a s o n

CP2 final.png

As I was deciding which university I wanted to attend, I felt a bittersweet sensation. I was nervous and worried, yet thrilled that I had finally found a place where I felt at home. This piece, a part of the three collage project, expressed this feeling.

Click on the images moving below to see my process!


t a k i n g   c a r e
o f   t h i n g s


This was the longest and biggest animation I have ever made. Although the animations were simple, I loved working on the details. The piece was intended to convey the simplicity of one's life, but how beautiful it may appear from a distance.

Click on the images moving below to see my speedpaint, graphic design, and animation of the piece!

CP3 final.png

F r a g ! l 3
D r r 3 4 M 5 . ' $ ! ! ¡

CP3 final.png

This collage was one of three I made for a recent art project. It demonstrates how our childhood dreams stick with us, particularly for those who had a tainted childhood. When your childhood is harmed or stolen from you, it may influence how you live in the future.

Click on the images moving below to see my process!

3DSD front view 1st floor.png

w e   c a n ' t   l e t   t h e m   s e e   y o u 

3DSD full view.png

Experimenting led me to discover a love for something I never expected: traditional 3D compositions. I developed an artwork that represented feeling rejected by society while also conveying a tale. This became my most proud work to date and represents how far I've come in my career. 

Click on the images moving below to see the project close-up!

AC10_21 panel 1.JPG

T r i p t y c h   M e s s a g e s

AC10_21 tryptich piece.JPG

[Written work in progress]


Click on the images moving below to see the piece up close!

G O I N G   B A C K   U P ?

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